Phone : +33 (0)4 50 74 19 89
Mobile : +33 (0)6 61 65 06 64
33 Place Centrale 74110 AVORIAZ


We can also provide accurate and impartial appraisals to determine the value of your property.

Why should you have your Avoriaz property valued?

A real estate appraisal gives you an accurate idea of the value of the property, and can be carried out before the apartment is put on the market.

It can also be requested in the following cases:

  • Division of an estate in the event of divorce or separation.
  • Division of an inheritance.
  • Declaration of an inheritance.

Tax declaration in regards to real estate fortune.

If you require a serious and comprehensive appraisal, please contact us to discuss your needs.

As a property expert and accredited member of the National College of the SNPI, Capucine can provide an in-depth analysis of a property to help smooth out the selling process.

An appraisal enables us to estimate the true value of a property, it is done independently and based on the facts on the ground:

  • Assessment of the legal, technical, environmental and economic factors affecting the property.
  • Assessment of all documents provided by the customer.
  • Drafting of a detailed report in compliance with the Charte de l’Expertise en Evaluation Immobilière (Property Valuation Charter).

Contact us

Would you like us to handle the sale of your property, or are you looking for a hidden gem ?

Phone. : +33 (0)4 50 74 19 89
Mobile : +33 (0)6 61 65 06 64
33 Place Centrale 74110 AVORIAZ